Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Biscuit Custard Pudding

A simple pudding of biscuits, custard ,pineapple and vanilla ice cream.

Pineapple                    - 1 small
Sugar                           - 5 tbsp
Good day biscuit         - 10 nos
Butter                          - 2 tbsp
Custard Powder                       - 4 tbsp
Milk                             - 500 ml
Vanilla Ice cream        - 250 ml
This pudding has 4 layers.
1st Layer
Crush biscuits in a bowl with butter.

2nd Layer
Cut Pineapple into small pieces.Remove the thick inner portion.
In a pan, cook pineapple pieces with sugar on a high flame until all the water gets evaporated and you get a sticky texture.          
Keep it aside and let cool.

3rd layer
Mix custard powder with 6 tbsp milk to make a thick paste.

Boil rest of the milk with sugar and add custard paste gently into the milk. Keep stirring at this time.

Milk will become thick and the custard is now ready . Let it cool.

4 th layer
Vanilla Ice cream.
Making  of Pudding....

Take a pudding bowl and grease it with a few butter.
Layer biscuit butter mix, cooked pineapple , custard and vanilla ice cream . You can add nuts or raisins in between if you want..

Decorate  with some crushed biscuits.

Keep it in the refrigerator (not freezer) for 2-3 hours.
Serve chill.....


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