Saturday, 30 November 2013

Shredded Egg / Mutta Chikkiyath

This is an easy tasty dish which can be prepared in 10 min. I usually prepare it for breakfast with wheat dosa. That’s a good combination and is an easy way to manage the breakfast for those who are running out of time in the morning.


1)      Egg                               - 3

2)      Onion                            - 1

3)      Green chilly                  - 1

4)      Tomato                         - 1

5)      Curry leaves                 - a few

6)      Pepper powder             - ½ tsp

7)      Turmeric powder         - ¼ tsp

8)      Salt                               - to taste

9)      Oil                                 - 1 tbsp

10)  Coriander leaves          - 1 tsp (optional)


1)      Beat the egg with pepper powder and salt in a bowl.

2)      Heat oil in a thick bottom pan and add curry leaves.

3)      Add onion and finely chopped green chilly and sauté for 2 min.

4)      Add tomato (cut into small pieces) and sauté.

5)      Add turmeric powder and salt to taste.

6)      Once it is done, add the egg mixture and stir continuously in the high flame to scramble the egg.

7)      Transfer it to a serving bowl and garnish with coriander leaves.

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